Advisories for Pypi/Asyncssh package


AsyncSSH vulnerable to Prefix Truncation Attack (a.k.a. Terrapin Attack) against ChaCha20-Poly1305 and Encrypt-then-MAC

Summary AsyncSSH v2.14.1 and earlier is vulnerable to a novel prefix truncation attack (a.k.a. Terrapin attack), which allows a man-in-the-middle attacker to strip an arbitrary number of messages right after the initial key exchange, breaking SSH extension negotiation (RFC8308) in the process and thus downgrading connection security. Mitigations To mitigate this protocol vulnerability, OpenSSH suggested a so-called "strict kex" which alters the SSH handshake to ensure a Man-in-the-Middle attacker cannot …

AsyncSSH Rogue Session Attack

An issue in AsyncSSH v2.14.0 and earlier allows attackers to control the remote end of an SSH client session via packet injection/removal and shell emulation. The rogue session attack targets any SSH client connecting to an AsyncSSH server, on which the attacker must have a shell account. The goal of the attack is to log the client into the attacker's account without the client being able to detect this. At …

AsyncSSH Rogue Extension Negotiation

An issue in AsyncSSH v2.14.0 and earlier allows attackers to control the extension info message (RFC 8308) via a man-in-the-middle attack. The rogue extension negotiation attack targets an AsyncSSH client connecting to any SSH server sending an extension info message. The attack exploits an implementation flaw in the AsyncSSH implementation to inject an extension info message chosen by the attacker and delete the original extension info message, effectively replacing it. …


Improper Authentication

The SSH server implementation of AsyncSSH does not properly check whether authentication is completed before processing other requests. A customized SSH client can simply skip the authentication step.