Advisories for Pypi/Eventlet package


Potential DoS via the Tudoor mechanism in eventlet and dnspython

eventlet before 0.35.2, as used in dnspython before 2.6.0, allows remote attackers to interfere with DNS name resolution by quickly sending an invalid packet from the expected IP address and source port, aka a "TuDoor" attack. In other words, dnspython does not have the preferred behavior in which the DNS name resolution algorithm would proceed, within the full time window, in order to wait for a valid packet. NOTE: dnspython …


Uncontrolled Resource Consumption

Eventlet is a concurrent networking library for Python. A websocket peer may exhaust memory on Eventlet side by sending very large websocket frames. Malicious peer may exhaust memory on Eventlet side by sending highly compressed data frame. A patch restricts websocket frame to reasonable limits. As a workaround, restricting memory usage via OS limits would help against overall machine exhaustion, but there is no workaround to protect Eventlet process.