Advisories for Pypi/In-Toto package


in-toto: PGP trust model not (fully) considered

Impact This security advisory lists multiple concerns about how in-toto uses PGP keys. The findings are aggregated here, because they are all eligible to the same mitigation strategy. Note that the findings are rated with different severities (see inline) and the highest score was chosen for this advisory: PGP Key Creation Time Not Validated (severity: low) in-toto does not check, if the validity period of a PGP Key (starting with …

External Control of System or Configuration Setting

in-toto is a framework to protect supply chain integrity. The in-toto configuration is read from various directories and allows users to configure the behavior of the framework. The files are from directories following the XDG base directory specification. In versions 1.4.0 and prior, among the files read is .in_totorc which is a hidden file in the directory in which in-toto is run. If an attacker controls the inputs to a …