Advisories for Pypi/Python-Keystoneclient package


OpenStack keystonemiddleware and python-keystoneclient vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks

It was discovered that some items in the S3Token paste configuration as used by python-keystonemiddleware (formerly python-keystoneclient) were incorrectly evaluated as strings, an issue similar to CVE-2014-7144. If the "insecure" option were set to "false", the option would be evaluated as true, resulting in TLS connections being vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. Note: the "insecure" option defaults to false, so setups that do not specifically define "insecure=false" are not affected.


Privilege escalation in auth_token middleware under sufficient load

By doing repeated requests, with sufficient load on the target system, an authenticated user may in certain situations assume another authenticated user's complete identity and multi-tenant authorizations, potentially resulting in a privilege escalation. Note that it is related to a bad interaction between eventlet and python-memcached that should be avoided if the calling process already monkey-patches "thread" to use eventlet. Only keystone middleware setups using auth_token with memcache are vulnerable.