Advisories for Pypi/Tuf package


tuf's Metadata API: Targets.get_delegated_role() is missing input validation

The security of both a TUF client and repository implementations depend on the concept of trusted Metadata objects verifying the signatures over other Metadata that it delegates to. This verification process uses Targets.get_delegated_role(delegated_role: str) to find the delegation information. tuf.api.metadata.Targets.get_delegated_role() should ensure that the given delegated_rolename is actually a name of a role that is delegated by that Targets, but in the case of "succinct delegation" this does not happen. …


Python-TUF vulnerable to incorrect threshold signature computation for new root metadata

The function _verify_root_self_signed(), introduced in v0.14.0, and which verifies self-signatures in a new root metadata file, counted multiple signatures by any new root key towards the new threshold. That is, any single new root key could theoretically provide enough signatures to meet the threshold for new key self-signatures required during root metadata update. A scenario where this attack could be relevant is amazingly unlikely in practice to the point where …


Client metadata path-traversal

In both clients (tuf/client and tuf/ngclient), there is a path traversal vulnerability that in the worst case can overwrite files ending in .json anywhere on the client system on a call to get_one_valid_targetinfo(). It occurs because the rolename is used to form the filename, and may contain path traversal characters (ie ../../name.json). The impact is mitigated by a few facts: It only affects implementations that allow arbitrary rolename selection for …


Invalid root may become trusted root in The Update Framework (TUF)

The Python TUF reference implementation tuf<0.12 will incorrectly trust a previously downloaded root metadata file which failed verification at download time. This allows an attacker who is able to serve multiple new versions of root metadata (i.e. by a man-in-the-middle attack) culminating in a version which has not been correctly signed to control the trust chain for future updates. While investigating the reported vulnerability, we discovered that the detailed client …

Incorrect threshold signature computation in TUF

Metadadata signature verification, as used in tuf.client.updater, counted each of multiple signatures with identical authorized keyids separately towards the threshold. Therefore, an attacker with access to a valid signing key could create multiple valid signatures in order to meet the minimum threshold of keys before the metadata was considered valid. The tuf maintainers would like to thank Erik MacLean of Analog Devices, Inc. for reporting this issue.

Client Denial of Service on TUF

An attacker who can gain file access to the repository and modify metadata files may cause a denial of service to clients by creating many invalid signatures on a metadata file. Having a large number of signatures to verify will delay the moment when the client will determine the signature is not valid. This delay may be for at least a few minutes, but possibly could be longer especially if …